Dean Bethune CEO / Project Manager
Mr. Bethune specializes in Project Management and is the primary project lead for Saulteaux Consulting & Engineering (SCE). He holds an Accounting and Finance Administration Diploma, a Masters Certificate in Project Management, and has studied the fields of energy efficiency, water treatment, and septic system. Dean has extensive experience providing technical advice, project management and building inspection services for a wide variety of clients.
Todd Bruyere, P. Eng. Senior Project Engineer
Mr. Bruyere is the Senior Project Engineer of SCE. Todd’s duties include providing technical engineering advice, review, inspections, and reporting on all aspects of capital projects for a wide variety of clients. He has received training in fire protection, occupant safety and accessibility, sanitary sewer and lagoon design, and petroleum equipment for aboveground storage tanks. Mr. Bruyere is on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Aboriginal Science and Engineering Association (CASEA), a member of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), and a member of the Advisory Council for the Native Access Program for Engineering (NAPE) at Lakehead University.
Cliff Carriere, P. Eng. Senior Project Engineer
Mr. Carriere is a Professional Engineer and a Senior Project Engineer for SCE. He has extensive experience working for the Government of Canada and a number of consulting firms as a Senior Project Manager, Water and Wastewater Engineer, and Environmental Service Consultant. Cliff is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (APEG) in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Michael del PuertoSenior Architectural Technologist
Mr. del Puerto is a Senior Architectural Technologist. He has worked as a Technologist in the Architectural Discipline for multiple architectural firms in the Greater Toronto Area. He has joined Saulteaux Consulting and Engineering with expertise in design, project management, construction document production and construction administration for small to mid-sized and large buildings. As a Senior Architectural Technologist, he is highly proficient in AutoCAD, 3D modelling and has a thorough knowledge
of the Ontario Building Code.
Joe Bruyere Civil Engineering Technologist
Mr. Bruyere is a Graduate of the Civil Engineering Technology program at Confederation College. He previously worked for SCE on a seasonal basis as a Technical Assistant during the summers of 2012 & 2013. He provides technical knowledge as well as field experience to various projects, has a background in construction and a Construction Techniques Certificate, and is a member of the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists.
Julie Mattson Office Manager
Ms. Mattson is responsible for contact and works with the SCE team to ensure that the needs of all customers are met. In addition, she is responsible for invoicing, tracking payments, and providing Human Resource support. Overseeing seasonal and current projects for partner Anokiigamig Construction at the New Gold Rainy River Mine site is also on her agenda.
Reta Dykstra Senior Accountant
Trish Lizotte Finance Department